Martial Arts Centerville, Ohio

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  I still can’t believe I took my daughter to the park this weekend.  The weather was incredible.  I also found myself holding my daughter just a little bit closer.  The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School has broken my heart.  As a mother, I always wonder what life will be like for my little one.  I remember, as a child, I was in Girl Scouts.  I didn’t have my first cell phone until I was in high school.  Now I have my 9 year old nephew asking for I-Pads and I can’t watch the 6 o’clock news without finding myself crying half the time.   The whole event made me really reflect on what I want for my daughter and what I want her life to be like.  It saddens me to the core that I have so much to explain to my child.  No child should ever have to ask such questions as “what happened on 9/11?” or “why did kids have to die so close to Christmas?”  This all being said, I made a promise to my little one that the day she was old enough, she would be taking classes immediately at the Asian Arts Center.   There are a lot of things I can give my child and two of the most important are the gift of self-defense and the power and ability to always be her best.  At the Asian Arts Center, every single instructor dedicates their life to ensuring each student is receiving the best martial arts training and knowledge.  I am honored to be working at the AAC and seeing, on a daily basis, the massive improvements in children.  I have witnessed our instructors who, with just a few encouraging words, have taken shy children from not being able to participate to running, jumping, and kicking.  I have seen children who come in unfocused and unruly begin to pay better attention and show respect for themselves and those around them.  To be able to be a part of this every single day is such an amazing gift!


Eve Wojtowicz

Enrollment Specialist

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