Staying Fit with our New Adult Boxing and Kickboxing!

Its hard to put into words the importance of a good work out a couple of times a week.  As most people know there are so many benefits such as  maintaining a healthy body weight,  improving cardiovascular health, or just feeling great after a challenging work out. We can help you reap all of those benefits in a fun way. With our new adult fitness program you can get great results with just a couple of work outs a week.  From the core strengthening boxing and kickboxing, to the high interval training that is incorporated into the class the benefits are too numerous to count. After taking these classes for a few weeks I can honestly say I feel stronger, more fit, and love the feeling I get after pushing through a tough work out. Come check out our classes at



Congratulations to our Black Belts!

A big congratulations to our new black belts!  Although the ceremony was snowed out last week, our students were able to test on Thursday night in class.  Our black belt have worked hard for many years to achieve this success. Through their training, we believe that they hold our mission as some of the goals they have reached as they have strengthened their body and mind, learned practical self defense, and  build their character over the years they have been with us. The testing students looked strong and confident which is ultimately the goal once they reach this level.  As these students have now reach their black belt, they will continue to train and work hard not just to become a better martial arts athlete, but to continue to embody the mission of the Asian Arts Center.