Our Powerful Teaching Style

The teaching style at the Asian Arts Center is unique in many of its techniques, and the way in which we teach drives results in every aspect of a student’s life. That being said, one of our most effective method is the physical components of our classes which alternate between fast-paced physical activity to slowing down the body with deep breathing. The breathing strengthens both the body and mind through the physical, mental, and emotional control that is reinforced by taking the deep breaths. After bursts of intense physical activities, the deep breaths slow down the body, and with practice this becomes the student’s condition response to stress. This becomes a tool they can use in their every day lives. Not only do we teach them how to practice the deep breathing but practical uses such as feeling overwhelmed in school or feeling the need to lash out at home, and the importance of deep breathing in these situations. The breathing becomes the conditioned response and just one of the many ways that our teaching method strengthens both body and mind.
