Hyper Pro at the AAC

Hyper Pro is a relatively new sport which combines Taekwondo, gymnastics, and acrobatics. The results are amazing to watch. The Asian Arts Center has been offering Hyper Pro classes for several months and it has resulted in great excitement amongst our instructors and students!

Working on “Kicks and Tricks” in the Hyper Pro program

Hyper Pro works to increase flexibility and agility. Our students have been working on handstands, cartwheels, and kicks that are different from those generally found in Taekwondo. It is often choreographed between several students, creating a performance like no other. In our standard Taekwondo classes, the children do their forms and the only sounds are their responses to the instructors, or their words used while kicking or punching. In Hyper Pro, however, music is used in class to allow our students to get even more pumped up. The energy is palpable!

The Hyper Pro organization lists that its “mission is to recognize the incredible athletes that train in the martial arts, compete and do tricks. We respect tradition and embrace the people who are constantly evolving, improving and creating new techniques.” http://hypermartialarts.com/about/ One of the joys of the program is that it reinforces our belief that the discipline of Taekwondo is not just something that is adhered to within the Asian Arts Center Taekwondo Schools. Rather, it is something that the students carry with them and use in their everyday lives.

Angel Perkins, Enrollment Specialist

Benefits of Martial Arts

These are just some of my favorite benefits of martial arts:


Classes at the Asian Arts Center will significantly assist you in your coordination.

You’d be amazed at how friendly the people are and the strong relationships you will build.

A martial art with a good teacher can transform the way you think. You may go in with one mindset and come out a completely different person. Now, I’m not saying this will happen instantly, but definitely over time.


I always been fascinated by the psychological improvements that students experience at the Asian Arts Center.

Eve Wjtowicz, Enrollment Specialist

Sick of Being Sick?

Feel like you catch every virus, bug and cold that passes through your workplace or kid’s classroom? A new study shows you can cut the number of days you spend sniffling, coughing and bed-ridden in half — and it has nothing to do with how much Emergen-C, Echinacea or Airborne you take. Research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine says you can reduce your chances of getting sick by working out regularly.

The study tracked 1,000 adults up to the age of 85 and found that people who are physically fit have fewer colds and, when they do get sick, have milder symptoms. People who are more likely to get sick, on the other hand, are those with not-so-great habits like stressing too much, not getting enough sleep and eating a crappy diet (i.e. acting like you’re allergic to fruits and vegetables). As you age your risk of getting sick slowly increases, but unless you’re hiding the fountain of youth in your backyard, there isn’t much you can do about that.

What you can do is hit the gym instead. In addition to beating back colds, the other benefits of working out including relieving stress, improving your mood, increasing your metabolism, boosting your energy levels and many more amazing benefits.


Eve Wojtowicz, Enrollment Specialist