
Unfortunately yesterday I spent around five hours at the ER with my daughter, who has a very bad ear infection.  While I was there, I went to get her some apple juice and I saw a little girl at the beverage station putting handfuls of crackers in her pockets and walking away with a handful of the little sodas you can take.  I then heard the nurses talking about how “that family is always coming in with made up illnesses for a free a meal.”

I, being the one that finds it hard to not stick up for someone who cannot take care of themselves, asked the nurses what their idea of a “meal” was.  No one answered.  I proceeded to tell them (nicely, I promise) that crackers were not a meal and that if this family really is coming into the ER for free crackers, instead of saying things about them behind their backs, why don’t you try to fix the situation?  Why not help the family by offering them information about food banks or food stamps?  No one responded and I walked away.

It really made me reflect about everything I have in life and how grateful I am that every night I can eat a hot meal and sleep in a  nice warm bed.  It also made me realize the importance of taking care of myself.  I work hard to take care of my child and myself and if I am sick and cannot work, that is taking away from my child.  It is so important to take care of yourself, and that is why classes at the Asian Arts Center are so amazing.  You and or your child(ren) will receive a full body workout in 50 minutes.  Come in this week and see how amazing the classes are the Asian Arts Center!

Eve Wojtowicz, Enrollment Specialist

What are the benefits of taekwondo for children today?

Taekwondo is a traditional Korean martial art. And what could the benefits of taekwondo for children possibly be in today’s world?  The potential benefits of taekwondo training for your kids are. . . . .

Quite simply–Massive!

benefits of taekwondo for children,taekwondo kids,taekwondo

And we see it first hand every day! Like physical fitness, weight control, increased concentration span, and learning respect for others, huge increases in childrens self confidence and self esteem. All while kids have fun.

It’s great to see fit children who are a healthy weight. Many of today’s children are overweight because they are inactive. Human bodies are built for exercise. And children are meant to exercise. To run. To jump. To get out of breath. One of the huge benefits of taekwondo for children is that the kids enjoy the physical exercise. They exercise their whole body–from head to toe. They gain physical fitness, and they want to keep coming back for more!

For young boys the tough physical training allows them to let off steam. They love kicking and punching under controlled conditions. But they also learn about self-control, and how taekwondo has to stay in the classroom. And what about taekwondo for girls? Being fit and healthy gives girls a positive body image. Learning to face confrontation and fear and powering through wooden boards develops self esteem and self confidence. And through this training, children in taekwondo get physically and mentally stronger, which helps them in daily life. And your children will learn from great role models–fit and healthy taekwondo instructors and senior belt students at the Asian Arts Center.

Debbie Spiegel, Enrollment Director










Meditation is an Important Part of Taekwondo

Students using meditation in our Taekwondo class

An important component to our Taekwondo classes is meditation.
Definition of MEDITATE:
intransitive verb
1: to engage in contemplation or reflection
2: to engage in mental exercise (as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness

transitive verb
1: to focus one’s thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over
2: to plan or project in the mind : INTEND, PURPOSE

By teaching our students to meditate, we are giving them the tools to concentrate on their breathing, focusing only on that as opposed to stresses and distractions from the world around them. This is a very powerful tool! Children can use mediation to calm themselves before an important test in school. Adults can use mediation to relax prior to an interview for a new job or before delivering a presentation to an audience. Anyone who finds themselves in a stressful situation can better calm themselves through the breathing and focus that is taught in mediation.

“Scientific research has shown that…meditation (has) great health benefits. Some of the benefits you can experience from meditation include –
• Increased Intelligence
• Decrease in Insomnia
• Increased Personal Development
• Decreased Stress and Anxiety
• Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Related Deaths
• Lowered Blood Pressure
• Easier to Focus and Concentrate
• Reduced Risk for other Diseases and Illnesses

The benefits of practicing meditation regularly are vast. The best part of meditation is that anyone can learn how to do it, and it can be learned at almost any age.
How does meditation work and benefit so many people? Simply by incorporating it into their daily lives.” (

Angel Perkins, Enrollment Specialist