The Home Rules by Dennis Schaefer

Here at the Asian Arts Center every new student receives a refrigerator magnet with our 10 home rules. I explain to student and, if appropriate, the parents that learning and following these rules is an essential part of becoming a martial artist. A typical comment from parents is “these sound like the rules we try to follow at our house.” That is music to my ears.
Those ten rules are as follows:
1. Obey your parents
2. Cooperate with brothers and sisters
3. Keep your room neat and clean
4. Keep your body, hair and teeth clean
5. Eat and sleep properly
6. Do not interrupt conversations
7. Complete homework before TV or play
8. Respect teachers and elders
9. Be truthful and honest
10. Finish what you start
These rules communicate the fact that it is not enough to do a good job in Taekwondo class. The student also has to do a good job at home, school and in the community. Learning to focus and pay attention to what is going on around you, knowing the rules and doing your work is our definition of “integrity” and essential requirements for being a true martial artist.
Dennis Schaefer is an Instructor at the Asian Arts Center Taekwondo School in Kettering, Ohio.

two week trial

Master Matt was out this past week and he won’t be back until the end of next week. As a result Dennis has taken up the role of Matt and leaving me with a little more responsibility as the head of the school, at least that’s the way I like to think about it. Even though I think everyone’s doing a great job, however, I found myself getting off track a little and not meaning to. My classes are running smoothly but I mistakenly added in some drills that were not routine and thus tweaked the dynamic. Once I found out what I did, I immediately went back to the original structure. The main reason I found out what I did was because Luckily, I had Dennis to push me back on track but it made me think that if I could get off track just a little and not realize it here at this school, then running a school on my own will have to take a ton of focus to stay on track. Focus that I hope I will learn as I go through it with Master Matt or Dennis.
Alex Tienda, third Dan at the Asian Arts Center