Look Well to this Day by Dennis Schaefer

One of the most important lessons we learn in Taekwondo is “Innae” (patience.)
Today in training we talked about Innae; how long we have been working on timing, distance technique and strategy. I have been sparring competitively now for almost 12 years and, at age 60, I feel like those days are coming to a close. I am envious of my younger mates, how much time they have, how much promise the future holds. But it is hard to be at the beginning too, impatient for the future. I remind myself to be patient to be grateful for all of the tournaments and rounds I have left.
For junior belts, the student has to have 18 to 24 classes between promotion tests. Senior belts have to wait 36 to 48 classes. When you reach first gup it is at least 6 months before you are ready to take the Black Belt test. Even if you learn everything on the first day, you still have to be patient. It is a life lesson to be patient, to work very hard with the goal of making the most of each training day.
The past few days have been warm and thoughts of spring come to mind. Even though it is still February, most people would probably have spring tomorrow if they could, just ignoring the next 23 days of winter. But, be patient.
A famous Sanskrit proverb says:
Look well to this day, for it is life. In it lie all the realities and verities of existence: the bliss of growth, the glory of action, splendor of beauty. For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day for it alone is life.
Dennis Schaefer is an Instructor at the Asian Arts Center Taekwondo School in Dayton, Ohio www.aacdayton.com