Review Your Progress

This week I have taken some time to reflect on the progress I have made in my goals. At the AAC, we have come up with a success formula.  This success formula has been a big help in reaching my goals but also a big confidence booster.  “Review your progress”  can be one of the most important things to remember in the success formula.  The action of reviewing your progress lets you see what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come in your training.  Remembering the positive accomplishements and how much strength and growth I’ve gained inspires me to continue and feel good about myself.  Lately I have been making a lot of progress physically.  Before I came in to the martial arts, I had poor posture and as a result I experienced back issues and inflexibility.  By applying the success formula, I have been able to take steps to reach my goal, ask the right questions and, of course, see the results of my progress.  My posture has greatly improved because of my commitement to my goal, working towards it, asking the right questions and getting help.  Now I am able to see the progress I have made and I feel much more confident as a martial artist and my back sure feels a lot better!